Tuesday, May 11, 2010
InterWeb: Kevin Pollak's Chat Show - Episode #48 w/Justine Bateman
KEVIN POLLAK'S CHAT SHOWMy 1st InterWeb Posting and you can get Kevin Pollak's Chat Show via Tivo now
but I still watch online - right on my desktop (I know, I'm behind!).
I try to watch live when I can but this I caught "taped" b/c it aired
on Mother's Day (Happy Belated to all of you great moms, aunts, grandmas, dadmas, & others!).
For more and to watch Mallory Keaton talk about Skip staring at her during table reads,
Net neutrality, her entertainment company: FM78, Tyra Paris or Demi game,
my bad Larry King impression which has been featured on the show and a whole lot more....