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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

LOST - Across the Sea - 2 Babies were born...1 in a white robe, 1 in a black robe

LOST (Yes there are spoilers ahead if you haven't seen tonight's Lost - all my TV reviews have them!)

I had an amazing birthday and I'm spending the last remaining minutes watching this
latest episode which appears to be.. from the opening scene - A Jacob & Man In Black
Origin Story which might be cool - but we have all come this far to see our characters advance..
the ones we love. We shall see what's in store....Ok, time to UNPAUSE.


Protecting "The Light"....are we "Mom"...or should I say "Murderer of Mom" Mom..
Basically the Island represents everything...All Life..Good & Evil / Life & Death / Other

Jacob & No Name are actually brothers b/c their off island mom who was shipwrecked
gave birth to twins and then their mom was killed by the Island Protector who looks
like Allison Janney & also has no name besides mom/Island Protector.

Now Mom/Island Protector is also a murderer and appears to be a piss poor parent
who favors one non-son over the other...she holds back and lies to her sons also.
How could she be protecting something so big...apparently it's a vicious cycle
and the previous protector made her do it and so on and so forth...

So the keeper of all things was an evil woman who then made
Jacob take over her role but wouldn't let Brother No Name
leave the island...all because she herself was corrupted & quite evil based on her actions...
and she was pretty selfish b/c everything she did was to be replaced.

Now whether or not she brought this ship to the island herself along with this woman
who gave birth to these 2 boys, so she can find her replacement (like Jacob
does with his list & Oceanic 815 to find his..) is something we don't know
and maybe can assume but who knows if it'll ever be fully clear.

She made it so the Brothers couldn't ever hurt each other but Jacob
does essentially kill No Name Brother because there is a body and he is
without a doubt (b/c of the Season 1 flashback and boy do they look young & fresh - jack,kate & locke)
dead and next to his "Fake Mom".

"The Light" being protected is now out from under the cave..even if all the other island properties
are still in place like the Donkey Wheel which must have been finished and frozen by someone else
besides Brother No Name?
"Fake Mom" brought No Name up the ladder, killed every single person (whom she could have easily of killed before then but chose not to..because she must be special and
have powers that enable her to do whatever she must to protect the island), filled the hole with dirt/mud,
set everything on fire which might have been part of the killing and she must have known that
her favorite son would kill her -- maybe she knew it all along just like Jacob pretty much knew
Ben would kill him with this loophole.

So nothing was really ever being protected but instead it was being imprisoned ..this pocket of energy
which seems to be evil. Now was it always evil or did it become evil when it mixed with Brother No Name
& his last act which was killing his "Fake Mom" who killed his real mother, murdered all his "people", knocked him unconscious, lied to him as a kid about almost everything, etc. -- He had plenty of reason
to kill her.

So are we to understand that while Brother No Name's body is dead, his soul is trapped in "The Light"
which combined has made him Smokey....This being Lost, I feel like there are way more questions
as usual.

This episode was okay but nothing groundbreaking cept a few sorta answers that lead to more questions (AH!)...just trying to further explain what the island is...
Do pregnant women and their children die during childbirth b/c they weren't brought to the island to have "replacement babies" and is that why Aaron is considered evil b/c he lived through it and his birth
was similar to Jacob & Brother No Name's?!

What else did we Learn/observe:

*Boy telling Smocke/Flocke/Smokey/MIB the rules was Jacob as a boy - same actor

*Smocke kills the Island Protector very much the same way Ben kills Jacob as Smocke planned..
also it appears that Jacob is sad to be killed but is this only b/c he didn't choose a replacement
to drink out of his jug yet? Can there be a replacement without the drinking from the jug and passing of powers/abilities...I'd guess yes?

*Smocke just says he knew how to combine a wheel with "The Light" to be able to use it
to get him off the island ..because he is special?! Is that really all we're going to get?
**So does Jacob spin that wheel to go visit his candidates off island and if so, how does he get back each time or does he use another way (or is he too just special)? Is there a real 'magic room' that Ben mentioned they pulled Anthony Cooper out of or was that just Ben talking BS as usual? Also, how does Widmore always know how to locate the island and how come the 'time properties' don't seem to matter...Widmore must also be special & maybe since the island had the "bomb" happen, the time properties are normal & stopped being weird like Faraday said?

*Are children special on the island b/c they are innocent so they have more powers to do stuff for some reason?

*Is Smocke being controlled by "The Light" and his soul has no choice? Why would Smocke kill
people once he got off the island...unless that's Smokey/Evil from "The Light" that would do it
as opposed to Smocke's soul?!

*Does Jacob just know everything he needs to know and do from drinking the juice from his "Fake Mom"?

*Jacob keeps bringing people to the island so he can find his replacement & you'd think based
on this episode that Walt & Aaron would be the next Jacob & Brother No Name....but
maybe they were intended to be until Jacob was killed which he knew was coming & was planning for so he needed an Adult replacement..that person had to be "Good".
Why would Kate's name be off the list? She's not perfect but certainly not evil incarnate...
I'd say Hurley is the most pure of those remaining..Jack is a semi close second...

*What have Miles, Ben & Alpert been up to? Please tell me we see them this week and not just
somewhere in the finale...

*Was Shannon a candidate & Smocke used his Island Dead Ghost trick/whispers to lead her
into a trap & get shot/killed by Ana Lucia?

*Walt appeared to Locke when he was lying in the Dead Dharma Pit, was this Smocke
manipulating again b/c he knew he needed Locke eventually? If so, how did he use Walt
if Walt was alive off island (Or can he appear to be anybody he wants)?! Or was it really
Walt using his special powers maybe in a Desmond kinda way? Or was that really Jacob
being Walt b/c he can do that sort of thing?

*How can they kill Smocke if he is a Smoke Monster and is made of smoke...I guess we shall find out..
I really don't want the show to end with someone else being Jacob's actual replacement. Smocke must die and the island probably will sink?

There are many more questions and things this episode makes you think anyways...

What did you think and are you pumped that there's only 2 episodes and 3.5 hours left of Lost?

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